Mind Eclipse

The Incarnation Of My Sorrow

Mind Eclipse

Banners on the wind - 
Devices of glorious God 
Greatest armies I lead 
Await for my order to conquer the world 

Beyond the curtains of night 
They cannot see my face 
Beyond the stone mask of Might 
They cannot read my thoughts 

But I'm following you 
And whisper of my lips 
You can hear as the blewing of wind: 

"So many years hath flowed since I was exiled 
So many worlds I passed searching for the shelter 

While I had found this strange dimension 
From pain and love, from tears and blood 
From all my Deus hate I built this world 

And pearls of stars I threw in deep of night 
And planets, inbreedings of my mind 
Creatures of my game 

The birth of day I made and burial of night 
And many secrets I've revealed 
The essence of the Death and Life 

In many incarnation I've been 
In grave as rotten flesh I laid 
In beastful passion of two lovers' bodies I burned 
In steam I rose, in rain I fallen 

But ultimately I made Thee 
The black gate to my darkest nature 
The storage of my grim 
That noone mortal eyes can see 

These, who I named the Earth 
Last incarnation, 
The incarnation of my sorrow 
And sons and daughters you born. 

I am you, you are me 
And I am them..."