Mind Eclipse

Live In Sodom

Mind Eclipse

When cold lava become alive 
Had pushed out from the bowels of Earth 
Swarm of unforgiven wraths 

When salt waters move aside 
Bearing the new great whore of the world 
This will be a sign for Humankind: 
Aghast! New Sodom arise! 

From the deep of cursed ocean 
Grey mist move up 
Bringing odour of primal sins 
Sodom in your head! Sodom in your mind! 

Sodom control hands with swords 
Let's begin carnage in the name of God 
Tear off civilian mask you so long worn 
Nude primeval instincts in abyss of your soul 

And you already beast 
Lead by prevail willingness to kill 
and propagate 
Breaking all boundaries from the ancient times 
Perveranced natured strive outside 

All world became a part Sodom 
All cities become streets we'll walk along 
On every wall neon posters with our names 
Show you: "There will be soon Armageddon!" 
Sodom! Sodom in your minds!