Swirling the bottomless space And seeing the birth of flickering flames My ark departing from home I am alone once again Other life seem so far As my vessel battles the storms Like a stranger lost on its way The further away we get from the Earth The closer we come to the world beyond Fragments of earthly landscapes Dissolve in a fallout haze Disappearing like the fleeting illusions From a distant childhood dream Fleeing from the horrid reality Now I see what our life has been - 2000 years of consuming agony Spent in search of an exit Form the catacombs of our mind Denying our phobias and fears We're seeking evidence of our supremacy Invent the theory of evolution Avoid acknowledging regress Self-proclaimed masters of the mind Yet remain servants of our instincts The Old Testament has lost its laws The values of the past are forsaken Time and space have merged at a breakpoint What awaits ahead no one knows We may be able to cheat death But fate we can't avoid And those who follow in our footsteps Will squander the grasp of wisdom And will be left in charge of the riddles Whose essence is not meant to be revealed Our names and faces will be forgotten Or become icons of the idol gods Our heirs are doomed to be the servants of the cannon code As they forget their heretic past Who knows If space walk leads into eternity But what I know for sure Is I don't wish to be another brick A brick in a cemetery wall