Mind Colour

Obsession Of Remorse

Mind Colour

Part i - "the advent"
Living ice, shady figures,
The cold stings me, pain for my flesh.
Eyes fade away,

Mind colour, changes into a dream.
It approaches...
In deep greyness, it's powerful heat,
Dazzling light.

I'd draw back, to admire it more,
My body's charmed by that flowing act.
It approaches...

Part ii - "the persecution"
Triven at string by a lance in breast
My impatient heart goes on in its regular way
Floods of memories immobilize my body

Icy istants arrows sting my brain.
As pure electricity,
I jerk by this hot ironshood chair.
Stillness surrounds me

Truth tries to get inside me.
Fear of my own corpse
Which lives in hope of dying.
Sunset drops quickly

There's no more light for me.
Nature spies upon my loneliness
Hiding eyes inside its shadiness.
Images overlap,

Red tears furrow my face
Swift changes depreciate me,
Istinct and reason are in fight,
A voice herolds the winner,

It's the voice of madness.

Blowing out your candle
I've finished my existence
Memory of your light
Melts me as wax.

Time doesn't take away
The obsession of remorse
Always at your side

Along the path of life.
Stillness surrounds me,
Truth tries to get inside me.

Fear of my own corpse
Which lives in hope of dying.