Bring a revival among your people Bring forth your power. We thought of ourselves as kings in the eyes of man, Turning gods name in for profit. How can we serve with our hands in our pockets? A nation that holds a dollar greater than life will lose it's life. We have forgotten the power of your words. Speaking for ourselves, making our throats open graves. Our words have become blasphemy. None of us can serve two masters, We will detest one, adore the other. Man cannot serve both god and money. We are prisoners to our own desires, Becoming a slave to the almighty dollar. The money we fight so hard for comes with blood, For we serve an abomination in the eyes of god. The empires we built in the name of man will fall to ashes. There is no justifying ourselves for this sin, We will witness the end of this abomination. Our obsession has marked the end of this citys regin, Locust will devour the american dream. No trace of man will be left, Prepare for the true kingdom.