I hate Freud because I think he's telling the truth I don't need to be told I'm an animal trapped in a booth That's a metaphor for a much lazier writer In real life I'd get my ass kicked, but never in street fighter Raps a big pool where's the deep end I'll just wade in Disappear into the underground like a cone-headed Raiden I post lectures off temple on monotone laden maiden who's raving he's about to go super saiyan Son Goku scribed overly wordy haiku's about how I'd rather run instead of fight you You betchum I'm Ash Ketchum with no Raichu I kill them with kindness And just to spite you I have no enemies Just people who aren't my friends yet And when they are I'll barrow moneys and never repay the debt On the freeway you passed me in a bright yellow corvette And I was peddling a whirlybird invention that I stole from some bloke at the ugly nerd convention in Lowell It's the return of the king The third Lord of the... I don't have a hip-hop career I have a hobby Which leaves me unloved like a younger brother Bobby I'm gathered around grandmothers in a knitting group As vegetarian at the potlucks so I can only eat the soup I'm a crummy musician not a conjurer of cheap tricks I can't purchase a quirky beat at Jo-Anne's Fabrics I'll never be commonplace with these slow dance mavericks I could've been a lounge singer in a themed sports bar Perused my Pokedex to find it wasn't in my cards I'm beginning to find satisfaction with Futurama repeats Open folder, my life, program file, dignity, delete This is for my cats who are obligatorily finishing undergrad To the the perfect sons for their wonder dad's I'm no German Wunderkind I'm a brown kid with a healthy distrust in Republicans My stomach warns me when trouble is a bubblin' This is for my brothers slaying mental Balrogs And my sisters who have to deal with proverbial ball-hogs