[Milo] It's the lazy theologian The clumsiest poet Stumbling through the poplar grove And doesn't even notice Though his toes bled a little The bathroom's a sacred space If faith is under the left nipple That's the king, no Martin Luther You might have seen him riding on a, green Markham scooter Clutching a Hewlett Packard computer Indeed, he's ageless like Treva Throneberry I don't worship Norse gods or stone fairies At home on a cracked iPhone Alone and hairy, casting post-modernist abra cadabra It starts like this Dum dum dum dum doo (I don't know) I thought they might have killed me So I read the Hagakure On a very long drive From Chicago to here Holding viking spears And I cried a lot of tears But you know I kept an ox bow lake In my thoughtful cave And we both thought in gray Or shades Maybe even monochrome This monotone is great To the monotony Sought it's own philosophy To justify the dimples in its face (in its face?) So we made a couple sticker packs And pretended we didn't hear When white fans said Nigga fast Ummm, there's pollo in this menudo I'm the newest fellow in this group though And they're all feasting on my naïveté I guess it's picture day I guess it's pizza day If purity of heart is to will only one thing Then you have some explaining to do I can rap like the Afghan I can rap like my last name was Blackman I can rap like the son of Mike Ladd Let me take out a full-page Vice ad That supposes it might ask If underground hip-hop was just one tight fad This is an all-seeing-eye eye patch, if I might add [Hemlock Ernst] Got many styles This time just tryin' to follow Milo These days, most the time I'm chillin' in the hollow The sea slacks Back in high school I wanted to be abstract Not like Q, but pretty cool In my heart Was always more Busy Bee than Moe Dee Lunch line headsets had me thinking yoghurt backwards Plug in the bathysphere Lake Champlain is crystal clear I owe it to myself to speak free Kelly brought me green tea ice cream I could never forget Eating sushi off ten dollars Feeling rich That was '06 Then I wrote a lot of mean shit But only got love in my heart To go along with all them sad ships That never came But that's just life And life is strange How do you change the way you change the way you feel? Rain to wash the window clear Wipe away constellation atmosphere Blue lagoon, my isolation Now I'm paper plane folding Myself into a fortune Hoping some missing ocean will find some luck Met Brother Question once Life in a fish bowl leaves me floating in the punch Just trying to stay sober Never read the Hagakure Think you'd loan me a copy? I'm still stuck on Murakami Calvino looming Looking down from vistas coolly Through open windows moving Grass on sand patch, move Swathed by red clouds, see dead sounds Dead sea snails – circling metamorphisis Circling dumbly lit intellectual grumbling Circling humbly Numbly picked from keypad Like Cabbage Patch Kids Picked from key-latch Dream Lee’s sagged denim logo tags Wondering sullenly Will Tiger ever recover comfortably Hang heroes' heads on pillows eve Makes more humans relate Makes more human mistakes My humanity places head next to dinner plate Eat myself Without feeding myself Sometimes retreating inside cell walls The band simply plays on Sitting, wishing you were here Next time you're gone Just remember to buy yourself a souvenir