What a life under this quilted fleece Where the wilted lease Will to power and still to speech 'n cupboards they granny shoulda dusted Maladjusted with a malaprop Sack of 'ism make the pallet drop Palindrome of the ignoble savage be- (oh shit) I switched up Steez-oww Oh, one two? Light flick, brutal wrist cornucopious Still life waiting on a vista to utopia Mister Satan pausing in the Hotel Scallops Fuck with the timing of the whole swell ballad By bar eight he could heal the old and invalid Sweaty tooth cold for the pallet and bracket Blackface Tarzan, tanned arms basking Ted Danson with the Cheers, a dead man dancing With his fears Lorde Fred call it Capoeira To you Black Emperor Ferreira forever On a terrace with a beret and Beretta Maroon mood indigo At a sinister place where rap feel pitiful Applied research to make the force field subliminal Political climate turn your old Earth cynical How he get lost in a small room? Custodian of the statue