Tom: G Penguins and Polarbears Pennybridge Pioneers Guitarist: Mathias Färm and Erik Ohlsson Tabbed By: Marcelo Riffo(Mark Mathias) Ok i saw a lot of wrong tabs here, so im gonna make this tab to you guys learn to play the song, it`s pretty easy by ear so I don`t understand why you guys make a thing in the third string and stuff like that. iM frOm cHiLE!!!! Viva Chile, fELiz NAVidad y Año Nuevo PARa todoS lOS qUE mE ConoCEN!!! :-)SOBRE TODO pARA Mi Familia Y Los Pasteles de Mis Amigos, Y PAra sKaUCh!!!!viva el Punk-rOCk. Y para mI cLaudita. Te AMO! iNTRO: Guitar 2 e[---22222222-33-5-333-5-3---] b[---00000000-33-3-333-3-3---] g[---------------------------] d[---------------------------] X 2 a[---------------------------] E[---------------------------] At third Time Guitar 1 Comes iN: e[---------------------] b[---------------------] g[---444---------------] d[---444-444-555-555---] X 3 a[---222-444-555-555---] E[-------222-333-333---] Pre Verse: Guitar 2: e[---00000-2-3-555555---] b[---00000-2-3-333333---] g[----------------------] d[----------------------] a[----------------------]x1 E[----------------------] Pre Verse: Guitar 1: e[----------------------] b[----------------------] g[----------------------] d[---22222-4-5-777777---]x1 a[---22222-4-5-777777---] E[---00000-2-3-555555---] Verse: Both Guitars: e[---------------------] b[---------------------] g[---444---------------] d[---444-444-555-777---]x 4 a[---222-444-555-777---] E[-------222-333-555---] Then iNTRO X2 Then Verse x4 Chorus: Both Guitars: e[---------------------------------------] b[---------------------------------------] g[---7777777-2222222---------------------] d[---7777777-2222222-44444444-55555555---] X 2 a[---5555555-0000000-44444444-55555555---] E[-------------------22222222-33333333---] Then Intro X 2 Then Verse x 4 Then Chorus x 4 Bridge: e[--------] b[--------] g[---4^---] d[---4^---]^ means Let IT Ring. a[---2^---] E[--------] a 5th time of the Bass Solo Guitar 1 do this: e[--------] b[--------] g[---4^---] d[--------] a[--------] Let it ring. E[--------] then The guitars come back to the action(it sounds good :) ) and do the next thing: e[------------------------------------------------------------ b[------------------------------------------------------------ g[---4/9-9-9-9-9-9-9-11-11-11-11-11-11-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-11-11-11- d[---4/9-9-9-9-9-9-9-11-11-11-11-11-11-9-9-9-9-9-9-9-11-11-11-Continues a[---2/7-7-7-7-7-7-7-9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -9 -7-7-7-7-7-7-7-9 -9- 9 -There: E[------------------------------------------------------------ e --------------------------------------] b --------------------------------------] g ---141414141414141414-121212-131313---] d ---141414141414141414-121212-131313---] a ---121212121212121212-101010-111111---] E --------------------------------------] Then Chorus X 3.5, Because when Nikola sings the lyric: "I'll get back on top and be carefree", inmediatly after it start the outro: Outro: guitar 2 makes it`s Intro again but X 3 e[---22222222-33-5-333-5-3---] b[---00000000-33-3-333-3-3---] g[---------------------------] d[---------------------------] X3 a[---------------------------] E[---------------------------] And 4th time (Ending) Guitar 2 do this: e[---00000-2-3----] b[---00000-2-3----] g[----------------] d[----------------] a[----------------] E[----------------] Outro:Guitar 1 after "I`ll get back on top...." makes it`s intro X 3 e[---------------------] b[---------------------] g[---444---------------] d[---444-444-555-555---] X 3 a[---222-444-555-555---] E[-------222-333-333---] And at the 4th time do (Ending) Do this: e[---------------] b[---------------] g[---44444-------] d[---44444-4-5---] a[---22222-4-5---] E[---------2-3---] That`s all the song, Easy right?, well any comments or whatever you want email me, have a nice day, and rock the house with this song, Merry Christmas, and Happy New Year, PEACE!!! (IT SOUNDS LIKE RAPER)