Mike Parrish

Ain't We Got It Good

Mike Parrish

Tom: G

D  C  G/B  D
DIt's another C 4th of July  
G/B Fireworks dancin' Din the sky  
AmRed, white & blue. CMe and you.  
GEvening slips in- D - to the night  
Aint we got it Amgood Aint we got it Dgreat  
Am Livin' here in the CUS- Am - A  
GLet's Em don't for- D-get 

All of the Gfaces and the Emplaces where they  
Bm fought and died D
Brave young Gsoldiers who Emgave their all for  
Bm you and I D
C addy's girls and G momma's boys who will  
Emnever come back Dhome  
Their Cnames we will re- G - member but  
Emthey're forever Dgone  
They Fdied out in the Gdesert, in the  
Amair on land and sea  
They Cgave their all so Dwe could keep  
Em this great country free. Em D C 
They died for you and me (gtr solo) 

D  C  G/B  D      Am  C  G  D

DAny true Am -  C - erican knows  
G/B freedom isn't Dreally free.  
AmLiving or lost, they Cpaid the cost,  
Gbuying precious Dliberty.  
Aint we got it Amgood Ain't we got it Dgreat  
Am We salute Am C - erica's Am best  
GHear me Emwhen I Dsay 

Remember the Gfaces and the Emplaces where they  
Bm fought and died D
Brave young Gsoldiers who Emgave their all for  
Bm you and I D
CDaddy's girls and G momma's boys who will  
Emnever come back Dhome  
Their Cnames we will re- G - member but  
Emthey're forever Dgone  
They Fdied out in the Gdesert, in the  
Amair on land and sea  
They Cgave their all so Dwe could keep  
Em this great country free. Em D C 

DIt's another C4 th of July G/B Fireworks dancin'  
Din the sky