So sometimes things just have a funny way of working out and here we are what do you know it's very strange and hard to tell where it's gonna go I feel like there's a lot I have to tell you and I'm not sure where I should begin what if I just say that it gets colder when you leave the room and brighter when you come in and I'm right here if this is what it's coming to then I'm right here you hear what I'm telling you? I'm right here you told me that I'm not allowed to say I think you're pretty you said you push your friends away and you don't want to break me please don't think you have to try to save me from yourself I'd rather cry with you than smile with someone else so turn it out, don't turn it into what it was before when you'd forgotten how to smile the streetlight's shining in the clothes are on the bedroom floor let's let tonight become tomorrow