Mike Keneally

Pride Is a Sin

Mike Keneally

People are afeared to face it
And no polygraph can trace it
I guess I oughta say it another way

Pride is a sin, in case I've forgotten

The gas needle says it's E
It's a challenging time for me
I think I oughta say it another way

Pride is a sin, in case I've forgotten
Seductive greed twin, so many besotten

You never know.

Waiting for the paint to dry,
the paint is waiting for the paint to dry.
I know I oughta say it another way

Pride is a sin, in case I've forgotten

You never know.

I've been saving it up.

Spoiling for a fight for ridiculous reasons
When the only real fight is within
I stepped on the urge of the madman
Safe for another day, say it another way

Pride is a sin, in case I've forgotten

I've been saving it up.