All of the girls out with their hips asway And I'm the loneliest man They're selling incense and sunglasses on Orchard Street Boatloads of bootleg Sean John And I'll dream you up in this vast, dark bed Believe I loved you for each hair upon the back of your neck, and I Want to kiss you but I can't Down on the river by the sugar plant Earrings Weighing down the lobe and Nose a lovely slope and the mouth turned down Shoulders Pale and beautiful and Angle of the throat and Your sweet sad stare All of the waves that crash upon the shore Fruitlessly shushing the world I pledge allegiance to my displacement My flag of doubt is unfurled And I'll dream you up on a vast, dark coast Believe I see you walking toward me, arms outstretched like a Ghost, and I Want to kiss you but I can't Down on the river by the sugar plant