Some birds will fly away to the Horizons warmer days, summer. Feels better than the blistering cold I long for more than this doing, A job just so I live I know, My soul's vision can't be changed. Some day soon, I'll travel to find me, And this abyss ain't as dark as I feared. So I'm gonna pack my things and go, Travel the world before I'm old, I'll send you photos in the post, To capture the moments I love the most. This is my great escape, This is my great escape I want to climb up mountains Drink from natures fountains, Who knows what I'll do on my way I want to be lost in transit, Find love in a different language, Who knows who I'll meet on my way. Now I'm sure this is what I needed, Space to roam and be completely free. I was once told whilst growing up, "If you want to leave then go while you can, Before you get stuck, before you become, Another cog in that working machine, Well that's not me so..... So I'm gonna pack my things and go, Travel the world before I'm old, I'll send you photos in the post, To capture the moments I love the most. I'm gonna pack my things and go, Travel the world before I'm old, I'll send you photos in the post, To capture the moments I love the most. This is my great escape, This is my great escape This is my great escape, This is my great escape.