Supposin' we said it didn't happen Didn't happen at all Didn't happen at all Empty and gone There is nothing left within One penny in a tin Makes all the noise You don't understand Nothing stays the same Situations change And It's all different now I've made my choice (Chorus) Let's just pretend it didn't happen Supposin' we said it didn't Come down that way at all Let's just pretend it didn't happen Did it happen at all Didn't happen at all I thought at the time When you cut me to the core It hurt and made me sore In time it would mend I hasn't you see I forgive but can't forget I tried so hard and yet I'm afraid it's the end We can never be friends (Chorus) Does it matter at all? No going back We can't undo the past Oh you know it's built to last It outlives you and I I'm trying to say In this time and in this place Here and now and face to face With a tear eye to eye It's goodbye (Chorus)