Drink and drunk yes that's me name, Always make me family shame Like Mary-Anne all day all night, I start whoring high like a Kite It's Christmas everyday is Christmas, I could drink me rum trust, Even in the Mass, I Love to be Drunk and disorderly Always in custody Me friends and me family All man fed up with me, cause I Drunk and disorderly Every weedend I in the jail Drunk and disorderly, nobody to stand me bail I can't stop Lord and I won't try, I feel so good when I high So bring wine, bring beer, bring gin, Bring champagne, ink anyting Night time, better in the sunshine, Anytime is right time, To drink me high wine, until I get Drunk and disorderly Always in custody Me friends and me family All man fed up with me, cause I Drunk and disorderly Every weedend I in the jail Drunk and disorderly, nobody to stand me bail They never teach me rum control, So put as long me glass could whole They say a hungry man's a angry man, Well a drunkin' man's a happy man Good Friday, could fall on Ash Wednesday, As long as it's rum-day, I ain't goin nowhere, until I get Drunk and disorderly Always in custody Me friends and me family All man fed up with me, cause I Drunk and disorderly Every weedend I in the jail Drunk and disorderly, nobody to stand me bail If it's good rum for Christmas it's waste, let's to open it now, and take a taste I say break the seal don't waste me time, And bring it with a willing mind You feel good, you stay in a happy mood, Rum give you your vitamin and nourishment and food, it's nice to be Drunk and disorderly Always in custody Me friends and me family All man fed up with me, cause I Drunk and disorderly Every weedend I in the jail Drunk and disorderly, nobody to stand bail