Tom: C Tabbed by: THE Saint Jimmy Email: CJS* Tuning: normal, maybe a bit sharp to give it a sense of urgency. i wasnt going to figure out the whole song, just the basics, because this is my first and there are no tabs for this yet. its not really meant for guitar, but it sounds okay, you may use it. e|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| D|-------------9---**pick slide quickly, slashing sound**--7-7-7-9-7\5-5-4--| A|---7-7-7-777--------------------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| ^^^do that a few times, then take it a bit higher doing: e|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| B|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| G|-------------9----**pick slide quickly**--7-7-7-9--7\5-5-4----------------| D|--7-7-7-777---------------------------------------------------------------| A|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| E|--------------------------------------------------------------------------| thats the basics, i was just kind of messing around, comment or rate it if you could. for your time, hope this helped. this song is excellent for haunted houses, and i enjoy listening to it myself for enjoyment. enjoy everyone. | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note ============================================================================ http://*