They made you out as a criminal before you were even tried It’s just a taste of the way we do things here He was a loving man from oberlin that sings me lullabies And makes me think that things will turn out fine Yeah he makes me think that things will turn out fine I won’t grow tired of trying Caught me at the right time I won’t grow tired of trying this time around I won’t grow tired of trying Caught me at the right time I won’t grow tired of making this my home “The truth is often simple but it’s very seldom seen,” A wise poet whispered once to me I live in reality and you impossibility Where we collide remains to be seen Yeah where we collide remains to be seen I won’t grow tired of trying Caught me at the right time I won’t grow tired of trying this time around I won’t grow tired of trying Caught me at the right time I won’t grow tired of making this my home