
Way With Words


I do my best to keep from catching cold and getting quiet
And though i try to sleep the sound once soft is loud
So loud and clear
It’s constant and banging on the back porch door

Take all four to five years long passed by
It hurts; still we’ll go off and write the show

A dream in photographs
Each corner labeled with a timestamp
I yell to warn the rest against the coming of the end
So fast and clear
It’s constant and it’s banging on the concrete floor

Take all four to five years long past by
It hurts; still we’ll go off and write the show

The world is on fire
The world is on fire
Oh oh no!
Death and life, all you like
Oh oh no!

But you have a way with words
And you have a way with words
And you have a way with words
And they’re gonna be heard