The story is true. The names have been changed to protect the innocent. I'm a little coconut in a coconut tree, swinging with my friends in the tropical breeze. hanging with my boys, sometimes we dance the hula. One day while I was swinging in that coconut tree. Along came a wind and I fell into the sea. It was the ocean, I was surfing them swells. I knew I was drifting to the land of LA Where the ripe young coconuts usually play, But I landed on the beach, at this pink hotel, and there were women, girls in bikinis. itsy-bitsy, teeny-weeny, yellow polka dot bikini We'll I am just a coconut, and I couldn't do much, So I worked on my tan till it was time for lunch. Then along came this girl, she had the smell of Pikake. She dusted me off, stuck me in her backpack went up to her suite, in that little grass shack. Was this Hollywood, was I in the movies? So I sat there impatient on the twenty-fifth floor the tourists were cooking down on the sandy shore. but where were my fans, where was my limo? then I realized, this wasn't California. (Humu humu nuku nuku apua'a) I'm a little coconut, I was falling far, I guess I wasn't going to be that rock and roll star, Cause now I'm coconut pudding. So when you're at the luau eating poki and poi, will you remember this coconut boy? You never know when I'm might see ya, Cause me and my sugar, we're sweet Hau-pi-a. Sweet, Sweet,Sweet, Haupia.