Lured by the rocking horse, sweets, and bualadh bos, sixty wild boys to a room Sing lámh lámh eile, the dish ran away with the spoon Black shoes and stockings for those who say 'don't' Blue is the colour outside God made the world the snake tempted eve and we died Wild christian brothers sharpening their leathers Learn it by heart that's the rule All i remember is dreading september and school. But they made me for better or worse the fool that i am or the wise man i'll be And they gave me their blessings or curse, it wasn't their fault that i'm me Not the one that you see. The priest in confession condemns my obsession with thoughts that i sometimes invite I mumble and stutter he bangs home the shutter good night Stainless as steel you know how i feel, shoot me while i'm still in the clear I don't think i'll last but my promise no doubt was sincere Arch confraternity men to the fight raise up you're banners on high Searching for grace in the holy rat race securing my place when i die. Ballrooms of romance in salthill and mallow i stood like john wayne by the wall Lined up like cattle we wait to do battle and fall You can't wine and dine her in an old morris minor but ask her before it's too late I danced on their toes accepted their 'no's' as my fate Drink was my saviour it made me much braver But i couldn't hold it too well I slept though the dance i blew my last chance when i fell.