Saturday down with old men in the bar talking big money holding on to a star and the name of the horse is" a wing and a prayer" and he's going to do it this time. While the dirty old river goes crawling away through the cold heart of morning to the end of the day. Just once in a lifetime is all that it takes and he's going to do it this time. refrain And the world's upside-down on the far side of town a street carnival with a merry-go-round. He moves through the streets,he studies the form and he's going to do it this time. 12 CD's for the Price of 1 Saturday night blowing papers around The whole world's asleep and no dreams to be found. He's drunk beside the river he's close to the ground singing some song to the wind. A song on the streets with a voice wearing thin it bounces off windows three sheets in the wind. Just once in a lifetime is all that it takes and he dident do it this time. refrain He sings alive-alive oh,alive-alive oh He wont know in the morning but that's how it goes He sings alive-alive oh,alive-alive oh He dident do it this time. repeat