Come on everybody come gather 'round friends! This is the day civilization ends Let's get together and loot that store Come and loot the supermarket while We got the chance! Times don't change but egos do Same old fortune for me or you Grand theft romp and all come flash Horns the summer with a seventh bath Come on everybody come gather 'round friends! This is the day civilization ends Let's get together and loot that store Come and loot the supermarket while We got the chance! Man old place come rushing in I'll admit that I'm afraid Too many old dreams never come true With all we've got I'll come with you Come on everybody come gather 'round friends! This is the day civilization ends Let's get together and loot that store Come and loot the supermarket while We got the chance! Push and shove and stand in line Times get old in a bowl of crime It's babble, babble, boy around Feels like your someone or so it's bound Come on everybody come gather 'round friends! This is the day civilization ends Let's get together and loot that store Come and loot the supermarket while We got the chance! While we got the chance! While we got the chance!