Peachfuzz had a friendly face Too friendly for his own good Used to hang out at Ricky's Place That was a joint in my neighborhood Gameboy lit his cigarettes But called them fags 'cause that's what they was Too young to be playing with matches yet The forbidden fruit has got peachfuzz Hail hail the gang's all here My best friend had a crush on him She made me promise not to tell That's how I knew she wanted me to But I never did and it's just as well Girls will dress to impress Boys pretend they don't notice us Kids get high but I don't know why Peachfuzz used to hang out with us Hail hail the gang's all here Down on the corner at Ricky's Place I saw Peachfuzz thru the door Gameboy had his arms around him Fixing to kiss him just a little bit more The apple tree's got some strange fruit Even Adam would not try But human nature is living proof Beauty's in the beholder's eye Hail hail the gang's all here Hell, yeah, you heard me right Peachfuzz stayed out late last night