Michale Graves

Last Man On Earth

Michale Graves

Tom: Eb

                             A ST MAN ON EARTH - Michale Graves
Tabbed by: Erwin Fletcher

Tuning: Standard

Really simple but it sounds complex. A lot of hammer-ons/Pull offs. Repeat it a
few times and thats the into, Then theres some power chords, and then you play
this again for the Chorus.

E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
B|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
G|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
D|-7h5p7---5h3p5h3p5h3p6-3-3-1-3-6-6-3-----------------------------------------| |
A|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |
E|-----------------------------------------------------------------------------| |


| /   slide up
| \   slide down
| h   hammer-on
| p   pull-off
| ~   vibrato
| +   harmonic
| x   Mute note
| b   Bend
| pb  Pre-bend
| br  Bend release
| pbr Pre-bend release
| brb Bend release bend