Michael Joncas

We Come To Your Feast

Michael Joncas

Tom: G

                        C                           G
We place up-on Your tab-le, a gleaming cloth of white,
                        C                          D
The weaving of our stor-ies, the fabric of our lives
                        G       Em                        C
The dreams of those be-fore us,     the an-cient hopeful cries
                   G                           Am
The promise of our future, our needing and our nur-ture,
  D                 G
lie here before our eyes.

                C                       G
We come to your feast, we come to your feast,
                  Em                       A                          D
The young and the old, the frightened, the bold, the greatest and the least.
                C                       G
We come to your feast, we come to your feast,
                      Am                         D
With the fruit of our lands, and the work of our hands,
We come to your feast

[Verse 2]
                   C                      G
We place upon your table a humble loaf of bread
                      C                                   D
The gift of field and hill-side, the grain by which we’re fed
                     G       Em                   C
We come to taste the presence   of Him on whom we feed
                    G                                Am
To strengthen and con-nect us, to chal-lenge and cor-rect us,
  D                G
To loving word and deed

                C                       G
We come to your feast, we come to your feast,
                  Em                       A                          D
The young and the old, the frightened, the bold, the greatest and the least.
                C                       G
We come to your feast, we come to your feast,
                      Am                         D
With the fruit of our lands, and the work of our hands,
We come to your feast

[Verse 3]
                   C                     G
We place upon your table a simple cup of wine
                    C                          D
The fruit of human la-bor, the gift of sun and vine
                     G       Em                      D
We come to taste the presence    of him we claim as  Lord
                  G                           Am
His dying and his living, His leading and his giving
  D                 G
His loving cup out-poured

                C                       G
We come to your feast, we come to your feast,
                  Em                       A                          D
The young and the old, the frightened, the bold, the greatest and the least.
                C                       G
We come to your feast, we come to your feast,
                      Am                         D
With the fruit of our lands, and the work of our hands,
We come to your feast

[Verse 4]
                     C                        G
We gather round your table because we feel op-pressed
                         C                          D
To stand beside our neigh-bors we name the stranger guest
                       G       Em                      D
The feast is spread be-fore us     You bid us come and dine
                      G                      Am
The blessing we’ll un-cover In sharing we’ll discover,
   D                    G
Your substance and your sign