Big money Waiting for the taking Big money It's your lucky day! Your money Up to us to grab it You wanna, we can cap it I'll lead the way You know you need money To keep your baby happy Cold money To keep her in the ice Well, there's big money Just hold out your mitten Bring along the kitten And don't think twice You don't know me from Adam But we both was born of Eve And you can count on me, brother When I say, "You must believe that there is" Big money! Shh, keep it to yourself, man! Hard money Easy to begot Our money Chew on it and swallow All you do is follow I'll lead the way I'll lead the way Gonna eat that olive? You mind if I...? Ain't America a fabulous place? There's gold baked right into Mom's apple pie Ain't America a goddamn blessed place? There's gravy pouring out of the red, white, and blue-- check!-- sky! Big money! His greedy little mind went Big money! Pingy-pangy-pong! Our money Let's just say, supposing I meet you at the close-in You can't go wrong And if you're wanting maybe Why not bring along the baby? The wife-- along I'll lead the way I'll lead the way