At days arrival one man at the table eatin' corn flakes 
checkin out the paper his brother walks in from a hard nights caper 
half hungover and looking for his pager 
what's in the news today did we find a saviour 
Nah I'm just looking for some part time labor 
by the way did you remember put the gas in my ride 
or must I remind ya how I lost my last job 
chill with all that chatter ya know ya need to stall 
trust me baby bro that's what big brotha's for uh uh 
I got interviews today so don't even front about my broken gas gauge 
by the way things are looking it's a very good day 
If I could ever find my wallet I'll be on my way 
bigger brotha steps to his girlfriends place 
just then the phone rings and it was moms to say 
remind ya big brotha it's your cousin's birthday 
and I'ma need a half dozen eggs for the cake 
No problem moms I'll tell him later in the day 
but now I can't find my wallet gotta go I'm late 

The world's in your hands don't waste... 
don't waste your time 

Back to the saga the car wouldn't start up JJJJhhhh..JJJJhhhh 
there he goes now he's rolling like a baller 
out of the city and into the woods 
for a job with a hammer where the pay is good 
reaches in the back seat for his favorite tape 
uuuh a condom from his brotha's last date 
damn my lazy no good brotha and just as he says it 
the car starts to sputter and sputter 
until it outright stops the gas tank empty 
not even a drop I'm gonna choke that nigga when I reach my spot 
three miles from no place and now I gotta walk 
to the top of the hill and down again 
round the bend page my broth from the old fruit stand 
the phone ring rings yo it's me your big brotha 
I told ya not to sweat me when I'm laying with my lover What! 
You punk ass broke muthafukka I told ya cut the crap 
when it came to my endeavors chill baby bro and don't even start it 
there's a gallon in the trunk andif ya need more fart it 
some of my shit along with ya lost wallet 
is in the glove box kid, the mystery solv-en 
take what's yours and leave mine where ya saw it 
my baby's calling gotta go stay solid 


so he hung up the phone in a rush to leave 
I forgot to tell my brotha 'bout the cake recipe 
star 69 so he pushed it in but 
by now the bigger brotha was pursuing some skins 
the phone ring rings - don't answer it it's my little brotha 
calling fuckin' with me again 
So he beeped him back a one two more times 
but he was already naked with his Valentine 
Damn - I Gotta - get back to the ride 
What the hell's going on with this day of mine 
once again up the hill down the other side 
what the fucks a cop doin snooping by my ride 
yo officer - check it - out everything is fine 
I just ran outta gas and now I'm running outta time 
slow down boy this ain't no race 
I can tell you kinda people ain't from this place 
tell ya what turn around put ya hands on the hood 
and ya best act good just like a good boy should 
listen up holdup - I'm speaking the truth 
See I'm just trying to get to this here job interview 
shut them lips boy don't let 'em get no bigger 
or I'm gonna have to say I was attacked by a nigger 
now if you wanna make it through the morning with me 
I suggest you wise up and show me valid I.D. 
chill man - awright - problem - we solve it 
my brotha put my wallet in the glove box compartment 
aw'ight you can get it but ya don't move quick 
just remember I'm behind ya with a full up clip 
he opens up the box and to their surprise 
out pops a wallet and the bigger brothers nine 
the cop shouts "Freeze" raise ya hand kid 
he reaches for his wallet and the cop goes blam 
damn - pulp fiction in the car 
another dead homey tryin' a find a job MMM MMm MMm 
back at the crib bigger brotha laying up 
and girlfriend says maybe you should give ya little brother a call 
and don't forget it's ya cousin's birthday after all 
I will in a minute please let me be 
I think he left me a message on the message machine 
big brotha - I'm gonna be home late 
and I'm afraid that my day has been great 
can I remind you if it's not too late 
to get a half dozen eggs for the birthday cake