I will speak I will wait I will send prophets among them That they might hear That they might see And understand how much I love them Then they will know that I am Father They they will know I am Lord They'll walk with Me And be My people I'll walk with them as their God as their God I will strike I will scourge And carry out vengeance upon them But I will heal the wounds I make And tenderly take them back to me Then they will know that I am Father They they will know I am Lord They'll walk with Me And be My people I'll walk with them as their God This is heaven This is salvation This is their great hope and Mine He will come My own Son A Word faithful hearts can't help hearing And by His death With His last breath A Father's forgiveness comes flowing Then they will know That I am Savior I am Redeemer and Friend Immanuel The God who is with them The God who gives all He can He is salvation He is the kingdom To know Him is paradise Then they will know that I am Father They they will know I am Lord I am Lord