Micah Stampley

Come Holy Spirit

Micah Stampley

Come in this place 
Oh, God our Father 
Holy Spirit 
We need You now 
Come fill this house 
We invoke 
Your presence 
Holy Spirit 
We need You now 

Sweet Holy Spirit 
Your glory upon us 
Generous Father 
Take charge 
Of our hearts 
You are now our Savior 
Master and Lord 
Please draw nigh 
Oh, Lord come 
Please hear our prayer 
Please hear our voices 
Receive our worship 
And praise this day 
We humbly bow 
In corporate worship 
Holy Spirit 
We need You, now 

We need You 
Come in this place 
Oh, Lord we need You 
Come in this place 
Oh, Lord we need You 

Come in this place 
Oh, God our Father 
Holy Spirit 
We need You now 
Come in this place 
Oh, God our Father 
Holy Spirit 
We need You