Tom: G E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Never Wanted - Metronomy E|E|-------------------------------------------------------------------------------|| Tabbed by: Ana Ramos I couldn't find the tab for this anywhere, so I tried to make it myself. You can split the guitar part into two separate parts, it's easier to learn it that way. Intro bit (0:24 - 0:34) E|------------------------| B|------------------------| G|-3-/4-/6-/8--8--8--8--8-| D|-4-/6-/8-/9--8--8--8--8-| A|------------------------| E|0--0--0--0--0--0--0--0--| Verses ('Never wanted, never needed' bits as well as 'but it gets better' parts) E|---------------------4--------------------------------| B|-554-4-442-2-442-2-555-5-554-4-442-2-442-2------------| G|-443-3-444-4-333-3-44--4-443-3-443-3-332-2-464-4-46464| D|-------------------------------------------466-6-46666| A|------------2--1-----------4--------2--2--------------| E|0--0--4--4--------0--0--0-----4-03--------0--0--0--0--| Pre-chorus' ('tube of toothpaste' / 'minibar' parts) E|-------------------------------------| B|-555-5-444-4-222-2-555-5-222-2-22----| G|-444-4-555-5-333-3-666-6-000-0-00464-| D|------------------------1--1--1--466-| (then back to the verse part for 'But it gets better') A|4--4--------------4--4---------------| E|------4--4--2--2---------------------| (once the bass comes in at 1:35 the lower guitar part is kind of drowned out and harder to hear so it might not be exact) 'Does it get better?' part (3:20) E|------------------------| B|------------------------| G|-464-4-46464-464-4-46464| D|-466-6-46666-466-6-46666| x4 and then go back to the verse and you're finished :) A|------0--0--------------| E|4--4--------0--0--0--0--| ************************************ | / slide up | \ slide down | h hammer-on | p pull-off | ~ vibrato | + harmonic | x Mute note | b Bend | pb Pre-bend | br Bend release | pbr Pre-bend release | brb Bend release bend