This country born on blood of the innocent They were here first They were not human so say history Treated worse than animals Grave beyond a slave Lest we forget The birden of this land This great southland Their country torn and women raped Ripped apart for white mans sake A culture devoured make no mistake We must agree to set these people free Can we describe the living hell Mothers babies ripped from their breast Helpless she cries her family destroyed A life once free raped brutality Assimilation the name for this pain A culture scarred forever Who is at fault for this treacherous deed The finger is pointed while hearts still bleed I do not blame you for your mistrust I am white yet I am not your enemy I can not begin to relate to your horror Your pain your loss your death Forgiveness heals wounds born so deep Please forgive those who are week Who look only for difference to break peace In my heart you are treasured you are great