Metal Church

Rest In Pieces (April 15, 1912)

Metal Church

Integrity of construction 
The best money can buy 
Her size is greater than any 
A Belfast shipyard's pride 
Signal flags spelled out the word "Success" 
On her maneuvering trials 

Preservers and lifeboats were not in excess 
Unsinkable, no plans to save lives 
Athinai reports icebergs and field ice 
At seven bells ahead just five miles 
A black hulk against the night's darkness 
Disaster along starboard side 

Full speed astern were the orders 
It would do them no good 
No apparent collision 
A rip deep below the waterline 

Come at once, we have struck a berg 
Interference in transmission 
The newest, largest ship afloat 
Had two hours to live 
Lower all lifeboats, we have too few! 
Women and children first! 
Distress rockets fill the air 
Abandom Ship!" 

Sinking faster, every light ablaze 
Machinery, engines, crashing to the bow 
Arching vertical, stern points to the sky 
The great ship fractured 
Everyone must die 

Watching their families make it to safety 
Fifteen hundred went down 
The orchestra played to the last moment 
An eerie almost unreal sound 
The calm and ice North Atlantic 
Titanic's burial ground