Ya Ilahal kawni ya sanadi Anta ya mawlaya mu'tamadi Fa bidunyaya wa akhirati Ya ilahal 'arshi khodh biyadi O Lord of the Universe, You are my support It is on You, O my Master, that I rely So in my life and in the hereafter O Lord of the Throne, guide me Chorus Ma ra'at 'aynun wa laysa tara Mithla Ta-Ha fil wara bashara Khayru man fawqath thara'i sara Tahirul a'raqi wash shiyami No eye has ever seen, nor will it ever see any human being the like of Ta-Ha He is the best creature to have walked on earth Both his lineage and character are pure Chorus Ayyuhal mushtaqu la tanami Hadhihi anwaru Dhi Salami 'an qaribin anta fil €arami 'inda khayril 'urbi wal 'ajami O you who is in love, do not sleep For over there are the lights of Dhi Salam Soon you shall be in the sacred sanctuary In the presence of the one who is the best of Arabs and non-Arabs Chorus In tathakkarna ahibbatana Wa ahlina wa jiratana Ajabal lahu da'watana Wa a'mmal kulla bin ni'ami If we remember our loved ones And our families and neighbours Then Allah will answer our prayers And He will shower His blessings on us all Chorus Wa salatul lahi lam tazali Laka tuhda ma da'aka waliyy Ma'a taslimin minal azali Tantahi hatta ilal abadi And the salutations of Allah continuously Are sent to you whenever a saint remembers you Along with blessings, for eternity and they will never end