He was a leading hero in the war When he lost his arms and legs Half of his face was destroyed The heart and lungs won't Work again He has faced the minister of war Who refused the cloning-back. Revenge of a cyborg's heart Was cold as steel And he broke his neck Then, our hero was born Ooooh - starwolf is his name Ooooh - starwolf is his name Sworn forever to the free men's live To regain our dignity He has promised a life in ecstasy And flesh for free The grail of hatred and scorn Ooooh - starwolf is his name Ooooh - starwolf is his name A scientist was the guide Who gave him back his pride An old friend from the infantry With engineers abilities Both are wanted guys Traced by the law for the highest prize A God of unarmed fight Is standing by his side An adept of ancient history Finding out the mystery And the poet speaks for all, The wicked voice of a madman The messenger The red star ist glowing To hunt them in their dreams The sleep of unknowing, His dark wrath redeems They don't know why But death will come straight Soon they will die In his firestorm of hate Ooooh - starwolf is his name Ooooh - starwolf is his name Breaking the rules of the federation He ist the wolf of the stars He brings an end to our desperation Starwolf is his name.