Naked brains exsposition In straight meet-coloured row Volunteers for hibernation Are waking up in their promised life Thoughts flow through frozen neurons Iceplatinum scaffolding to selfconsciousness This careful aseptic construction for the highest biosensor The first thing you can remember Is striking dreary chilliness "temperature reduction near to blood freezing point" Change of specific heat Enabled to omit flesh as a mordant offal Now you're the eternal observer In new physical incarnation The only thing you need is unceasing idea Electric impuls and chilly neuromediator Between your near-frozen synaps Is a dreamt key to everlasting being But never have you been told That your thoughts could be known to your companions Personal untouched feelings Transmitted to surrounding space Mental masturbation among this sensing audience The acces can't be denied 'cause it's yours propulsion For new sequence of thoughts Limited number of molecules means limited information This bits can be arranged in a plenty ways But conversion of information Still gives constant number of thoughts You're made to forget a burden of previous feelings If want to have the new one Overloaded capacity, memory limited Stimulation, latency, in cyclic repeats Living the past many times With the same thoughts as before Looped limited immortality It's your dreamt irreversible prison…