Mess Age

the EXIsTence DOOR

Mess Age

Trying to exist in a suspicious world
Trying to exist in disappointing world
Searching the exist door out of this madness
I'm looking for a place for myself
Lost inside
I ask a question :
What am I doing here ?
But the answer is straight
I'm a part of a puzzle
Fully unknown to me
I'm the background of events
Shocking reality time after time
What can I do to free
My soul and mind of this chains
I'm the element thinking that
Can change anything
But truly I can't - I'm nobody ...
No reality - just illusion
The picture of the world created
By the sick mind which has to be cured
Immediately !
Explosions of lights
Time has finished
The end has come
Disease completed it's work
... I'm gone
But I'll be back soon
I'll be back in your dreams
And the invisible circle of events
Will repeat again
So answer yourself a question
What will happen when disease gets you ?
Trying to exist in a suspicious world
Searching the exit door out of this madness
I'm looking for a place for myself
Lost inside
I found'em
I found my exit door !