I saw the evil with thousand faces each different amongst impressions with every thought I express my anger calmly licking the streaming blood sneering request in swollen... ...lips I saw the evil with thousand faces on which the light expresses the anger in painful temples thousand of thorns entering deeply into the sleep I run away from deadly gazes from a cold moment on path of tears I never look back onto the past and still remember I'm fading away I reborn a thousand times different amongst thousand faces closing my eyes I feel the thorn signing with a finger the following day I saw evil with thousand faces... I saw days with features of night where every light becomes a shadow lying and staring at an empty space I die before the beginning of the dawn I saw the evil with thousand faces each different amongst impressions with every thought I express my anger calmly licking the streaming blood in painful temples thousand of thorns entering deeply into the sleep thousand wishes in swollen lips greeted with the gaze and turned into shame I run away from deadly gazes from a cold moment on path of tears I never look back onto the past and still remember I'm fading away