Me'shell ndegéocello Miscellaneous Ecclestiastes: Free my heart The sun rises and the sun goes down and hastens back to the place where it rose that from thence It may rise again Finding all things wearisome unsatisfied my eyes not satisfied with seeing, my ears unsatisfied With hearing Wondering of that which is now that which has been and that which is to be For my time on earth I pay dearly for the past Confusion embraces my heart for to know self is to forgive self my sojourn of truth Chorus: Free my heart so my soul may fly Free my mind of my worldly wants and desires I look towards heaven with my arms open wide Take my hand come and take my hand Sadness fills my heart Too weak to get by, slave to disconténtment self-pity I come forth from my mother's womb naked shall I return to the earth to go as I came Taking nothing of this supposed worldly gain Chorus Hook: Free my heart