Merle Haggard

Jesus Christ

Merle Haggard

Jesus Christ was a man that traveled through the land
A carpenter true and brave
He said to the rich give your goods to the poor
And they laid Jesus Christ in the grave

He went to the sick and he went to the poor
And he went to the hungry and the lame
And he said that the meek would inherit the whole world
And they laid Jesus Christ in the grave

One day Jesus stopped at a rich man?s door
What must I do to be saved
Take all you own and give it to the poor
And they laid Jesus Christ in the grave

When the love of the poor shall one day turn to hate
When the patience of the workers give away
Would be better for the rich if they never been born
So they laid Jesus Christ in the grave

When Jesus came to town all the working folks around
Believed what he did say
But bankers and preachers nailed him to the cross
And they laid Jesus Christ in the grave

Well the people held their breath when they heard about his death
And everybody wondered why
Was the landlord and soldiers lawmen there had hired
That nailed Jesus Christ in the sky

We would lay Jesus Christ in the grave Lord Lord
We would lay Jesus Christ in the grave
And if Jesus preached today like he preached in Galilee
We would lay Jesus Christ in his grave

Jesus Cristo foi um homem que viajou pela terra,
Um carpinteiro honesto e corajoso
Ele disse aos ricos que doassem sua riqueza aos pobres
Então, mataram a Jesus Cristo

Ele se dirigiu aos doentes, aos pobres,
Aos famintos e aos fracos
E disse que os mansos herdariam a Terra
Então, mataram a Jesus Cristo

Certo dia, Jesus parou à porta de um homem rico
"O que devo fazer para ser salvo", disse o homem
"Doe toda sua riqueza aos pobres", disse Jesus,
E então, mataram a Jesus Cristo

Quando o amor dos pobres torna-se ira
E a paciência dos trabalhadores se esgota
Seria melhor aos ricos que jamais tivessem nascido,
Então, eles mataram a Jesus Cristo

Quando Jesus veio à cidade, e foi rodeado pelos trabalhadores
Que acreditaram nele
Mas banqueiros e pregadores o pregaram na cruz,
E mandaram Jesus Cristo para o túmulo

Bem, as pessoas ouviram sobre sua morte e prenderam o fôlego
E todos se perguntavam por que
Lá estavam o senhores, soldados e homens da lei
Que mataram Jesus Cristo

Nós também mataríamos Jesus Cristo, Senhor, Senhor,
Nós o mandaríamos para o túmulo
E se Jesus voltasse a pregar hoje como o fez na Galiléia,
Nós mandaríamos Jesus Cristo para o túmulo