
Mirror of Mind


Within me every day, within me every way… 
Shadows of old times, the shadows in my mind… 
…followed by unnamed 

Seeking, but not to gain, the memories in vain… 
Rarely found from thought - the memories restored… 
…forgotten, not reclaimed 

The reflection of my mind 
All that I've been and I've seen 
I see the past looking back at me 

The reflection so true and divine 
Concealed are the paths of our lives 
I cannot see what is meant to be 

In my mind, there's so many fears left behind 
Just try to lead my way astray, away… 
In my life, there's so many tears left behind 
Just try to lead my way astray, in vain… 

~Mirror reflects time! Mirror is a life… You look at it and you can see the past. Behind the mirror is a future, yet you can't see through the mirror. So fragile, yet so certain, so often misleads the wanderers. There are so many paths, but you can find the right one if you give time for yourself to paint the colours of your mind at everyone's sight. You cannot determine your future by breaking the mirror. By breaking it, you'll just cast yourself for the seven years adrift. Seven years it takes to amass the pieces and make the mirror of your mind whole again.