From a new horizon Sadist and impure Subjective lives Incredible temptations Prophet ... awful functions Avoiding all lights I wish you love But it's your fault Path of dark salvation No god no master Beyond the lord Implored skies! Dream thou - from thy sleep Then wake to weep I know enough To insult you Bodies rotting away Banished from the living Believe the real ... the real memory I take command - through the earth And from neutral gates Perfect dimensions - of my reign Enter the circle Calumnies - underground Now I'm beyond ... God! Blaspheme, black creation Fear the heaven's light Holy crowns Behold the pain Knowledges I my brain Disgust and reject Condemned - the image of God (Lead Stephane) Scriptures mean nothing to me Vomit upon the Bible Priest and his stupid lies Escape is the way you die From a new horizon Sadist and impure Subjective lives Incredible temptations Prophet ... awful functions Avoiding all lights I wish you love But it's your fault Path of dark salvation No god no master Beyond the lord Implored skies! I take command - through the earth And from neutral gates Perfect dimensions - of my reign Enter the circle Calumnies - underground Now I'm beyond ... God! Loyal and honest ideas Eternal orders ... so obey Sorrow is upon a throw to be witch!