Tzalemoth, titahion, shaarimrath Azazel, behemoth, belphegor Sodasi, matangi, bagalamukhi Into your graves, I submit my corpse Malkuthleilah! Devilish chorister Imperator/opponent Ravaging pesterer Iod jehovah Nehemoth succubi Mendacious abortions Astrachios gowad Soctaht theomiros Beresha Tzalmeveth, mathetes Hubisenaar, kumeat Euharmonic sufference, vepar Aaravtzereq! Immortalis Trimorphicconjuring Depraved theocratic emptiness Immoralist Temahel, befoulment of God Demokam, welem, umel, vemly Yulom, imul, luem, lemuey Geliel, ielama, lachiel, nale Violable titahion Chartless background Tombless misprision Unconfined Thagirioth! Dunatos daktylos Effygmato, iessonay, lezorial Sereryeltyngehen terly Expirant dyingness Perjurioustheomachy Suchwise unproven Zemehel, divine lechery Elenov, gelomy, helechom, ligyom Limog, lemchoh, baalim aflame Akanef, callim, deliel, gemal Haccho, hagog, helial, lacham Shaarimrath, gates of death Burasen, magreuse Striglegs, unclosed Vindemial wheel