Born by the Unlight Magic of the night now bears in flames of the fiend fire burning in my soul. Heirs of Armageddon, spirits of the war, the unknown and nameless from the ancient scrolls. I bear the crown of the Unlight... Demise of the light is yet to be conceived. Twilight of the gods absolute uncreation, visions of the suffering, the prophecy of hatred, Conspiracy of shadows in the dance of Doom, the repugnance within proclaims impure wrath! Arising in the sacred dominions of the Unlight, leading the army of death against the grace. Seeds mortal to life malevolent addictions, sacrificial blood for the reign of Pelorion. And the heavens shall disappear with a shrill noise of the Earth for heavens that now exist will be destroyed by fire! And the heavens shall disappear with a shrill noise of the Earth and all gods shall vanish and perish in gore forever... Forever!