The sun is sinkin' and time's got me thinkin'- As we grow old, will our love stay strong, Or will it disappear? Tomorrow's unknown, but today is our own. So take my hand, hold on with no fear, 'cause baby, 'cause baby, 'cause baby- i'm here. I will see you through, i'll be there for you. We will endure what life haas in store. Have faith and believe, like the air that you breathe- Love will stand when all else falls. Love will stand when all else falls. Whoa, i've been put through hell, more than i can tell! Now i finally see! Whoa, there's one way to live, be kind and forgive. I have the power in me! Follow me where i lead, i'll meet ev'ry need. We will endure what life has in store. Have faith and believe, like the air that you breathe- Love will stand when all else falls. Love will stand when all else falls.