Some got chances, some got choices, Some got freedom in these states. Colored women got few chances, Got few choices on our plates. Mama told me there are limits For dark-skinned girls stuck in this light-skinned world. Once in a while i lose myself in dreams- A silly girl full of silly schemes. Now along comes a man whose skin is white and pale, A shiny fool full of shiny tales. He says he'll make the people hear me. He'll force this world to fin'ly see me. Is he a lie like ev'ry other man Or lord could he somehow/ could he somehow/ Could he somehow help to free me? Mama told me not to dream big, But mama lived her life running scared. I am stronger and i'll fight longer! I'll do what mama never even dared! Colored women with few chances, Has to do what she must do! I will make my colored dreams come true! For this is one colored woman who will color Her life her way!