Example one, lovers in the backseat they're driving fast in the blindin' light they're goin' 80 on a backstreets highway they never thought about what they'd find in life's cold false salvations sold expectations they're movin' fast and no its not illegal but the pain train's waitin' at the end of the line, so girl you better think, take your shot or get out cause you're at your prime and you're the next in line in this cold they're goin wild, gamblin' in the back seat they're makin bets that they cannot pay, i say a sweet escape is what you need right now they wanna to leave it but they don't know how in life's cold false salvations sold expectations they're movin' fast and no its not illegal but the pain train's waitin' at the end of the line, so girl you better think, take your shot or get out cause you're at your prime and you're the next in line in this cold