Now, the flower’s lying dead Among the fallen trees; Murky waters running red. Upon the staling breeze, I can hear the broken song. I’m calling out your name. I’ve been moving far too long. I try to ease this pain. All I wanted was to see your face One last time before I die. Is that too much to ask, Before my dying breath runs dry? Rest my back against the tree, Hollowed from the sun Mercilessly burning down. The ground and sky as one, Blighted, dark against the light. The only that remains Lives inside my fragile chest, From whence the life still drains. I never wanted this for anyone, Anybody. Everybody else, Trying hopelessly to run away From something that might Save them from themselves... Now, the only hope is in the stillness. Silently, we reach the other side. All I wanted was to find you one last Time before I die alone tonight. All I wanted was to leave this place And find a world where we could live in peace. Now, I know that it is useless trying. All that once did live is now deceased. All I want now is to hold you closely, Listen to your breathing as I fall. All I wanted was to hold you, but The breaking dawn tells me I’ve lost it all.