there's a place in the back of the stall where the plaster's so thin there's a crack in the wall and if you bend to the ground and squint really well they say that you're bound to catch a glimpse into hell as the smoke clears away for the view all the people are waiting lined up in the pews and the sermon begins and he's gritting his teeth cause the music's kicked in with the pulsating beat good folks and sad blokes sunday afternoon hymn notes and cheap hokes in the back of a dark, empty room there's a sickening smell to this room of whiskey-stained breath and the cheapest perfume there's a girl in her bra and sex in your pants and she's sucking a straw as she begs you to dance downtown and down low sunday afternoon highlights and high hopes old rusty cross on the roof they come to this place to a batch of filling each side, a better extreme a flash and a wink of an eye a hail mary inside and angels bad dream there's a place in the back of the stall where the plaster's so thin there's a crack in the wall and if you bend to the ground and squint really well they say that you're bound to catch a glimpse into hell