A cross that was never his own, A burden he carried alone, Pain like I've never known, like I've have never known. Nails in his hands and feet, Suffering such at the knee, Asking for no reprieve, But for me. Chorus Who am I, that Christ would die to save me? What did I, do to earn the right to mercy? How I do to repay so great a favor? Deserve the love of a Savior? Who Am I? Who Am I? His final words are to peace His final breath spent for me His final act as King was to let it be But how do I honor his life, live up to his sacrifice When I've never proven Him right But how I try Chorus Bridge I fall and I break and I make my mistakes, I crawl and I scrape to live up to live up to the faith That He's shown me Doesn't He know me? I try to be worthy of His grace and mercy But every time I realize I am helpless to save myself Hasn't he seen me fail? Oh Who Am I? Chorus Who Am I? Who Am I? How do I repay so great a favor? To serve the love of a Savior Who am I? Who am I?